I remember feeling so conflicted about letting my boy sleep in my bed at night (every night)! The whole world seemed to tell me that I was 'creating a rod for my own back.' So I tried letting him cry in his cot but it only ever broke my heart.
It was then I realised that my (well hidden) mummy instincts were letting me know what I was comfortable with.
Comforting my boy at night when he's sobbing helps him and helps me as well. He wakes up in the night and just needs me and I'm there.
The minute I took the decision, that sleeping in my bed wasn't a big problem, I felt so much better about it all. Now I no longer have sleep issues with my kids.
When they need me I'm there and I sleep sounder knowing they are OK. But that's not right for everyone, us adults are all different so why would we expect all our babies to be the same!!
Although I'm not gonna lie, I've still got my fingers crossed that I'll have a Jack free night tonight ;)
Well said Sarah, I always think they won't be in bed with me at 18 (please God that would be weird!)